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We're making news.

Our mission is to make news that brings Americans together. 

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🇺🇸Make news fair.

Give you easy access to both perspectives, so you can help us build a more united America.

👏🏿Make news for everyone.

Representation matters. On average, newsrooms are 82% white and 93% liberal. We want you to hear voices ignored by the mainstream media on both sides.

🔥Make news fun. 

You shouldn't avoid the news because it makes you feel anxious or depressed. We make each story witty and light, without missing the important stuff.

🧠Make news smart.

You're smart- we trust you with all the facts, numbers, and history so you can make up your own opinion.

💯Make news good. 

Give you the tools to get involved in the causes you care about. Reading the news should make you feel empowered, not powerless.

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